Hajj and Umrah: Is the fifth pillar of Islam (Part 1)

Hajj and Umrah was ordained in the sixth year after the migration of the Holy Prophet (SAW). It suffices for a Hajj and Umrah once in a lifetime, and performing more than once is voluntary.

The Pilgrim whose Hajj is accepted by ALLAH is given the good things that he would return with all his sins being forgiven. The Holy Prophet (SAW) says: “He who performs Hajj with no obscenity or evil practices will come out from all sins as a newly born baby.”(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Pilgrimage we will guide you through the steps of pilgrimage and try to be as brief as possible without leaving anything important out or unattended.


Before arriving at the Meeqat (the place from where a Hajji assumes the state of Ihram), do Ghusl (a ritual take bathe), use perfume, but not your Hajji Cloths, perfume can be used in two piece of cloth on with no headgear. The cloths should not be in fitting. One piece to cover the upper part of the body, and the second to cover the lower part of body. The women’s Ihram (i.e. cloths of Hajji) is any good, loose cloth that covers her entire body and that fulfill all Islamic conditions of Hijab, while exposing her face, hands and not using any perfumes. If the time comes for obligatory prayer whilst assuming Ihram, you can offer prayer in Ihram. If not, you can pray two Rakat after ablution (wadu).

You should be start the state of Ihram by announce the types of Hajj you intend to perform. For Hajj-e-Ifraad you should say: “Labbike Allahumma Hajjan.” For Hajj-e-Qiraan you should say:”Labbike Umratan wa Hajjan.” For Hajj-e-Tamattu you say: “Labbike Umrah.” After finish his Umrah once go back to normal (No Ihram restrictions). Then, you repeat the DUA of Hajj, call Talbiyyah, saying: “Labbike Allahumma Labbike. Labbika laa shareeka laka labbike, Innalhamda wan-n’imata laka walmulk, laa shareek lak Labbike.”

When are you in condition of Ihram, you are not allowed to do any of the following: wear any form fitting clothes, cut or shave hair from any part of body, use perfumes on the body or clothes, clip your nails, engage in hunting, eat game meat (unless it was not exclusively hunted for him or another pilgrim), contract a marriage or have sexual relation and all matters leading to it. As for a women Hajji, she is forbidden to wear a Hijab (i.e. a veil that is tied on the face), or gloves. However, in the presence of men she draws down a veil from her head to cover her face.

Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas: Allah’s Apostle was prevented from performing (‘Umra) Therefore, he shaved his head and had sexual relations with his wives and slaughtered his Hadi and performed Umra in the following year. (Bukhari: Book 3: Volume 28: Hadith 36)

Arriving in Makkah

Arriving at the grand mosque in Makkah (Masjid-Al-Haram) you should enter with your right foot and read dua Allahuma aftahli Abwaaba WA Rehmatika. You should enter in a manner expressing humility and gratitude to the blessings. He conferred on you.

Before performing tawaaf makes sure that the sheets of Ihram are in Idh-Dhibba’ position (to wrap the upper sheet of Ihram below the right arm and hang over the left shoulder so that the right shoulder is uncovered) this is done exclusively during tawaf.

Start Tawaaf from the black stone keeping the Kabah to your left. Kiss the black stone if possible, touch it with your right hand if possible, otherwise just point at it with your right hand, without harming others, saying “Bismillah, Allah ho Akbar.” Then sink yourself in remembrance of ALLAH, make dua and asking for forgiveness.

In the first three circuits of Tawaaf it is Sunnah to make Ramal (for men only).
Ramal means to walk hastily, take shorter steps, lifting the legs forcefully, keeping the chest out and moving the shoulders simultaneously.

One should walk normally in the four remaining circuits.

Commence the Tawaaf by moving towards the door of the Ka’ba counter-clockwise). Move around the Ka’ba and the Hateem. It is Mustahab to place the right palm or both the palms on the Rukne Yamaanee during every round.

Touching it any other way or kissing it, is not recommended by the Shari’at.

When there are huge crowds or inconvenience is caused to others by touching the Rukne Yamaanee, omit it.

Perform Tawaaf with utmost humbleness, sincerity, dignity and respect. It is recommended that during Tawaaf ones behavior and conduct be similar to that of Salah. Looking about, pushing, mocking, etc. should be avoided.

Rabbanaa Aatinaa Fid Dunyaa Hasanatan Wa Fil Aakhirati Hasanatan Wa Qinaa Adhaabannar

O Allah, grant us goodness in this world, and goodness in the hereafter and save us from the punishment of the fire

Circumambulate the Ka’bah for seven times starting from the Black Stone and ending by it; saying Allah-u-Akbar whenever you are parallel to it. After Tawaaf, cover your right shoulder again, go to Maqaam Ibrahim (Ibrahim’s station) and recite: “Wattakhithoo Min Maqaami Ibrahim Musallaa” [Al-Baqarah: 125] you should recite this in Arabic if you know how, otherwise just perform two Rak’ahs behind it (if possible or anywhere in the mosque when crowded). Recite chapter 109 of the Quran in the first Rak’ah and chapter 112 in the second.

Ascend Mount As-Safaa and recite (in Arabic only): “Inna As-Safaa Wal-Marwata Min Sha’aa’irillaah” [Al-Baqarah: 157]. After this you say: “I begin with what Allah began with.” Face the Ka’bah and raise your hands in supplication saying thrice: “Laa Ilaaha Illallaah wahdah, Anjaza Wa’dah, Wa Nasar ‘Abdah, WA Hazamal-Ahzaab Wahdah.” Then make dua for yourself.

Descend from As-Safaa and Al-Marwah, when you reach the two green signs, increase your pace between them and run. Then return to your normal pace until you reach Al-Marwah. Immerse yourself in remembrance of Allah praying to him whilst walking.

Narrated Salim: (Abdullah) bin ‘Umar used to say, “Is not (the following of) the tradition of Allah’s Apostle sufficient for you? If anyone of you is prevented from performing Hajj, he should perform the Tawaf of the Ka’ba and between As-Safa and Al-Marwa and then finish the Ihram and everything will become legal for him which was illegal for him (during the state of Ihram) and he can perform Hajj in a following year and he should slaughter a Hadi or fast in case he cannot afford the Hadi.” (Bukhari: Book 3: Volume 28: Hadith 37)

Upon reaching Al-Marwah, ascend it, face the Ka’bah and say as you’ve said on As-Safaa. Thus you have fulfilled one lap of seven. Going back to As-Safaa, walk calmly and hasten on reaching the aforementioned green sign. The same steps are repeated in each of the seven laps.

Shaving the head or Trimming the Hair

After say if you are performing Hajj-e-Tamattu is preferable to trim (and not shave) your hair and with this you end your Umrah rights. At this stage, the prohibitions of the state of Ihram are lifted and you can resume your normal life. If you are performing Hajj-e-Qiraan or Hajj-e-Ifraad you remain in the state of Ihraam and this Saai suffices you from having to do it at the end of Hajj.

Narrated Al-Miswar: Allah’s Apostle slaughtered (the Hadi) before he had his head shaved and then he ordered his Companions to do the same. (Bukhari: Book 3: Volume 28: Hadith 38)

Narrated Nafi: That Abdullah and Salim said to ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar, “(You should not go for Hajj this year).” ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar replied, “We set out with the Prophet (to Mecca for performing ‘Umrah) and e infidels of Quraish prevented us from reaching the Ka’ba. Allah’s Apostle slaughtered his Budn (camels for sacrifice) and got his head shaved.” (Bukhari: Book 3: Volume 28: Hadith 39)