How to Perform Hajj step by step?

How to perform Hajj?

How to perform Hajj(A Step by Step Guide) Part 1

  • Hajj is the pilgrimage to Mecca during the months of Hajj.
  • There are 3 types of Hajj: Al-Ifrad, Al-Qiraan, and At-Tamattu.
  • Hajj At-Tamattu involves performing Umrah and then Hajj with a break in Ihram along with the obligation of sacrificing an animal.
  • Hajj Al-Qiraan involves performing Umrah and then Hajj with no break in Ihram along with the obligation of sacrificing an animal.
  • Hajj Al-Ifrad involves only performing Hajj with no obligation to sacrifice an animal although it is recommended to do so.

(A Step by Step Guide) Part 2

  • Perform Umrah that has the following three pillars: Ihram, Tawaf, Sa’ee.
  • Ihram is the Hajj clothes that a person must wear at one of the Miqat zones.
  • Tawaf is the circumambulation of the Ka’aba.
  • Sa’ee is act of walking between Safaa and Marwah.
  • The men shave or trim the hair on the head while women are to trim just the length of the width of a finger.

(A Step by Step Guide) Part 3

  • Four pillars of Hajj: Ihram, Arafah, Tawaf, and Sa’ee (only if performing Tamattu).
  • Hajj begins on 8th day of Dhul Hijjah: Make Ihram, perform Fajr prayer at Masjid Al-Haram, leave to Mina where one will combine the Zuhr/Asr prayers and Magrib/Isha prayers without shortening any of them and spend the rest of night until sunrise.
  • 9th of Dhul Hijjah: Go to Arafah where an imam will deliver the khutba and lead the Zuhr/Asr prayer and do no leave Arafah before the maghrib, leave to Muzdalifah where one stay until fajr, combine and shorten the Magrib/Isha, and collect pebbles for Rumi.
  • 10th of Dhul Hijjah: Leave to Mina to use seven pebbles to stone the largest pillar after the Zuhr prayer, sacrifice an animal (if required), and shave the hair for men and trim the hair for women and to become partly released from Ihram (except for marital intercourse).
  • Go to Masjid Al-Haram to perform Tawaful Ifaadah with the addition of Sa’ee (if Tamattu) and return to Mina before midnight. The pilgrim is now fully released from Ihram and marital intercourse is permissible.
  • 11th Dhul Hijjah: Go to Mina and use seven pebbles to stone the smallest, middle, and largest pillar in that order for a total of 21 pebbles after the Zuhr prayer.
  • 12th Dhul Hijjah: Use seven pebbles to stone the smallest, middle, and largest pillar in that order in that order for a total of 21 pebbles after Zuhr prayer again.

(A Step by Step Guide) Part 4

  • Return to Mecca to perform Tawaful Wadda thereby completing Hajj.
  • Pilgrims may travel to Medina following the completion of Hajj to visit the Prophet’s Mosque, Quba Mosque, and Jannnat Al-Baqqi (Holy Graveyard).
  • Prayer at the Prophet’s Mosque is worth 1,000 times that of any other Masjid in the world (excluding Masjid Al-Haram and Masjid Al-Aqsa).
  • The Prophet’s Mosque contains the tomb of the Prophet (SAAW), Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (RA), and Umar Al-Khattab (RA).
  • Visit Jannat Al-Baqqi is a graveyard that contains the graves of Uthman Ibn Affan (RA), Hamza ibn AbulMutallib (RA), and many of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAAW).
  • Quba Mosque which is the oldest mosque in the world.
  • This mosque has the distinction of providing anyone with the reward of Umrah for any prayers performed there following the purification at one’s residence.