THE PILLARS OF UMRAH AND HAJJ أركان العمرة والحج

During Umrah and Hajj there are many religious acts carried out in order to fulfill the pilgrimage. Some of them are Pillars which are obligatory and some are recommended. It is important that you understand these and fulfill the pillars in order for it to be accepted.

The Pillars of Umrah are three (أرآان العمرة ثلاثة وهي

 Ihram ( الإحرام ) the Hajj clothes

  1. Tawaf ( والطواف ) circumbulation of the Ka’bah
  2. Sa’ee ( والسعي ) going between Safaa and Marwah

Any other action, such as praying two rakah behind Makam Ibrahim, drinking Zam-Zam water and trimming the hair are recommended (mandoub).

The Pillars of Hajj are four (أرآان الحج أربعة وهي

 Ihram ( الإحرام ) the Hajj clothes

  1. Arafah ( والوقوف بعرفة ) standing in Arafah
  2. Tawaf ( والطواف ) circumbulation of the Ka’bah
  3. Sa’ee ( والسعي ) going between Safaa and Marwah

Any other action, such as praying two rakah behind Makam Ibrahim and drinking Zam-Zam water, stoning Jamrah, Qurbani (sacrifice) and shaving the hair are recommended (mandoub).

There are three different ways to make Hajj

 Hajj Al Ifrad ( حج الافراد ) – Solely Hajj without to make Umrah

  1. Hajj Al Qiraan ( حج القران ) – Umrah and Hajj with no break in ihram
  2. Hajj At Tamattu ( حج التمتع ) – Umrah and Hajj with a break in ihram

Make sure you are clear in your intention. So say “Labaykallah Umrah” or say “Labaykallah Hajj Tamattu” (if you are performing Hajj Tamattu).


Hajj becomes obligatory upon the one who fulfills the following conditions:

  1. Al Islam ( الإسلام ) To be Muslim
  2. Al Aql ( العقل ) – To be sane
  3. Al Balough ( البلوغ ) – To be mature (i.e. reach puberty)
  4. Kamal Al Hurriyah ( آمال الحرية ) – To have complete freedom i.e. is not a slave
  5. Al Istataa’ah ( الاستطاعة ) – To have capability. The capability is three:

1) Finance – to pay for travel and expenses, and have no debts

2) Health – to be able to perform all the rites of Hajj

3) Security – to be able to travel to and from without harm

  1. Wajoub al Mahram ( وجود المحرم ) – A woman must have a mahram with her when she goes Hajj

If a Muslim fulfills all the above criteria, then he or she should not delay performing the Hajj, rather it would be considered Qada (missed/owing).

A Brief Guide to Perform Sacred Umrah Travel

Umrah packages

Hajj and Umrah are obligations of too much important in Islam. Every Muslim has a desire in his hear to offer pilgrimage in Mecca and Medina at least once in this life. If you are planning to offer Umrah pilgrimage then there are few things that are needed to be considered.

 First, it is always better to book a complete Umrah packages from a Umrah service company. The time duration of Umrah travel consists of 5, 10 and 15 days or even then for a month. Therefore it is always guide to book complete your packages for such a long travel. If you book a umrah tour services then you do not have to worry about each and every thing to manage during your Umrah pilgrimage. This gives you a complete satisfaction of mind during your spiritual journey and you can offer your sacred rights of Umrah with great ease.

Secondly, don’t panic to choose Umrah services from a company. Take time to know details of different Umrah packages offered by different companies and compare prices and facilities offered in these packages to make sure that you go for a best and get cheap Umrah trip.

It is also very important to check the reputation of a company from whom you will book your Umrah tour package. This can be done by getting reviews from people who have used Umrah services of that company, so you can check out the quality of services and facilities of a certain Umrah services company to understand. If you can not find a person to map a particular Umrah tour services will then alternatively you could go online and check for online reviews and testimonials of some Umrah services provider companies. It is always better to have a Umrah packages booked from a such company which is registered with Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah as Saudi Government issues licenses only to those companies that already have the standards set by Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah and if this company is not registered then it may not provide the services as promised which causes troubles for pilgrims.

Although Umrah can now be performed at any time of year in accordance with new laws of Saudi Government, but it’s better to book your Umrah services in 2015, as new Umrah packages are available in December and if you book a Umrah services early then you complete book a Umrah services because you get the opportunity to choose best package from many packages veracious services providers of Umrah packages 2015.

Also look at the details of your Umrah tour services to make sure that you will be provided with all necessary services such as accommodation, transport, Visa processing, Booking your tickets, visit to holy trip, schedule for your return flight, the delivery of a guide during your Umrah, so you do not need any of these things to be managed on your own.

An African safari Jao ultimate African adventure

An African safari Jao ultimate African adventureFor a true African adventure, the African Safari of Jao in Botswana is the vacation to book. Jao is known for its high concentration of Lion. It can offer both land and water activities on the river Okavango. This area is known for its predators and, Jao Camp itself, is located on the border of the Moremi Game Reserve.

The camp is on a densely wooded oval shaped island that overlooks the vast flood plains of Botswana. It has incredible habitats and permanent waterways and lagoons. An African safari in Jao is a very memorable safari. The skilled staff at Jao Camp will see to it that all of your needs are met, African style.

The Jao African safari wildlife experience is pure African wildlife at its finest. Chances are good that every wild animal that you want to experience will appear. A Jao African safari experience is the safari of a lifetime. Click here to get information about flights to Harare from UK and similar site

The Accommodations

Your Jao African safari accommodations will consist of African style luxury rooms. The bedrooms are raised wooden decks above palm carpets, constructed of split bamboo and thatch with canvas walls. Each room also has a “sala” for midday siestas with a superb view. Each camp can sleep a maximum of 16 people. Each suite includes a flush toilet and basin, shower and an outdoor shower. Underneath a tree canopy of cool thatch you will find the main dining room and pub area. There is a pool and an outdoor boma for dining under the stars. A raised walkway connects the rooms to the dining rooms and lounge areas.

Game Viewing

Your Jao African safari experience offers excellent game drives, mokoro excursions, short guided walks and boating trips. Since Jao Camp is next to the Moremi Game Reserve, night drives are permitted. This allows your African safari Jao trip to include an exclusive view of the nocturnally active animals in the area.

Your Jao African safari will most probably include views of Lion and Leopard in their natural habitats. Tsessebe, Lech we and Wildebeest roam all over the flood plains. The wildlife appearances in Jao depend mainly on the water levels in the area. But, generally, a diverse group of wild animals will be plentiful on your safari. This paragraph is sponsored by Hajj guide tour from UK.

The lagoons are the home to the Hippo and Crocodile. The permanent water areas attract large numbers of these two animals. But the King of the Jungle, the Lion, will be a sure thing. The Jao African safari is known for its abundance of Lion sightings. Have your camera in hand and don’t miss this one of a kind jungle experience.

How to Perform Hajj step by step?

How to perform Hajj?

How to perform Hajj(A Step by Step Guide) Part 1

  • Hajj is the pilgrimage to Mecca during the months of Hajj.
  • There are 3 types of Hajj: Al-Ifrad, Al-Qiraan, and At-Tamattu.
  • Hajj At-Tamattu involves performing Umrah and then Hajj with a break in Ihram along with the obligation of sacrificing an animal.
  • Hajj Al-Qiraan involves performing Umrah and then Hajj with no break in Ihram along with the obligation of sacrificing an animal.
  • Hajj Al-Ifrad involves only performing Hajj with no obligation to sacrifice an animal although it is recommended to do so.

(A Step by Step Guide) Part 2

  • Perform Umrah that has the following three pillars: Ihram, Tawaf, Sa’ee.
  • Ihram is the Hajj clothes that a person must wear at one of the Miqat zones.
  • Tawaf is the circumambulation of the Ka’aba.
  • Sa’ee is act of walking between Safaa and Marwah.
  • The men shave or trim the hair on the head while women are to trim just the length of the width of a finger.

(A Step by Step Guide) Part 3

  • Four pillars of Hajj: Ihram, Arafah, Tawaf, and Sa’ee (only if performing Tamattu).
  • Hajj begins on 8th day of Dhul Hijjah: Make Ihram, perform Fajr prayer at Masjid Al-Haram, leave to Mina where one will combine the Zuhr/Asr prayers and Magrib/Isha prayers without shortening any of them and spend the rest of night until sunrise.
  • 9th of Dhul Hijjah: Go to Arafah where an imam will deliver the khutba and lead the Zuhr/Asr prayer and do no leave Arafah before the maghrib, leave to Muzdalifah where one stay until fajr, combine and shorten the Magrib/Isha, and collect pebbles for Rumi.
  • 10th of Dhul Hijjah: Leave to Mina to use seven pebbles to stone the largest pillar after the Zuhr prayer, sacrifice an animal (if required), and shave the hair for men and trim the hair for women and to become partly released from Ihram (except for marital intercourse).
  • Go to Masjid Al-Haram to perform Tawaful Ifaadah with the addition of Sa’ee (if Tamattu) and return to Mina before midnight. The pilgrim is now fully released from Ihram and marital intercourse is permissible.
  • 11th Dhul Hijjah: Go to Mina and use seven pebbles to stone the smallest, middle, and largest pillar in that order for a total of 21 pebbles after the Zuhr prayer.
  • 12th Dhul Hijjah: Use seven pebbles to stone the smallest, middle, and largest pillar in that order in that order for a total of 21 pebbles after Zuhr prayer again.

(A Step by Step Guide) Part 4

  • Return to Mecca to perform Tawaful Wadda thereby completing Hajj.
  • Pilgrims may travel to Medina following the completion of Hajj to visit the Prophet’s Mosque, Quba Mosque, and Jannnat Al-Baqqi (Holy Graveyard).
  • Prayer at the Prophet’s Mosque is worth 1,000 times that of any other Masjid in the world (excluding Masjid Al-Haram and Masjid Al-Aqsa).
  • The Prophet’s Mosque contains the tomb of the Prophet (SAAW), Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (RA), and Umar Al-Khattab (RA).
  • Visit Jannat Al-Baqqi is a graveyard that contains the graves of Uthman Ibn Affan (RA), Hamza ibn AbulMutallib (RA), and many of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAAW).
  • Quba Mosque which is the oldest mosque in the world.
  • This mosque has the distinction of providing anyone with the reward of Umrah for any prayers performed there following the purification at one’s residence.

Cheltenham Guide

cheltenhamLocated in the heart of the scenic Cotswold’s, Cheltenham is a city famous for many things – its horse racing and award-winning gardens being just two of them. Then, of course, you have the Regency architecture of the city center and the lively shopping district, elements that come together to bring vivacity and life to this Gloucestershire city. Further, the city also proves to be a fine base from which to explore the surrounding Cotswold’s, home of gently rolling hills and quaint, charming villages.

Places of interestplace of interest

When you come to Cheltenham, you will soon discover that the draw of the city lies in its appearance, for it has long been considered to be one of Britain’s prettiest towns. Accordingly, many of Cheltenham’s places to visit are ones that focus on scenic displays and historic buildings. Some of the most popular tourist destinations are:

The Holist Birthplace Museum. Originally the home of the famous composer Gustav Holist (of ‘The Planets’ fame), this Regency home shows life as it was in the Victorian period – and incorporates a working Victorian kitchen. This paragraph is sponsored by Makah tour 2014 from UK.

Pitts ville Park & Pump Room. The beautiful Park contains two lakes, a golf course and spacious, well-tended lawns, whilst the historic Pump Room contains the drinkable spa waters that originally made Cheltenham famous.

The Imperial Gardens. For almost two hundred years, the gardens have been enjoyed by thousands of visitors every year – not least due to the 25,000 bedding plants used annually to create the extensive floral displays.

Sudeley Castle & Gardens. Located just eight miles outside of Cheltenham, the castle is open during the summer and visitors have the chance to see some of the beautiful paintings and artifacts inside.

The Promenade. Cheltenham’s most famous street boasts pavement cafes, smart shops and an attractive history. Lined with trees and boasting Regency architecture throughout, it is considered to be the most picturesque part of the city.

Things to doThings to do - house

During your stay in Cheltenham, you’ll discover a pleasing variety of attractions to visit and things to do, whether you’re a family or couple, or just visiting alone. Throughout the year, the city is buzzing with activity, playing host too many festivals and events, such as the Literature Festival. Just a few things to see and do include:

Cheltenham Town Hall. The elegant hall plays host to festivals in the city throughout the year, and at the same time stays a concert programmed in which the music ranges from the classical to the contemporary. This paragraph is sponsored by Medina tour from London.

The Everyman Theater. This hotspot features a massive variety of live entertainment, where you can watch musicals, comedy, drama and even West End productions on tour.

Cheltenham Racecourse. This world-famous venue is home to plenty of racing during the October to April season. Why not time your visit to coincide with the popular National Hunt Festival in March, or visit the Hall of Fame that relays the history of steeple chasing?

Cotswold’s Coach Tours. Take the opportunity and join a scenic coach tour in which you’ll join a guide and take in some of the most beautiful views of the English Cotswold’s.

Cotswold Farm Park. See history brought to life with numerous animal demonstrations and displays, an ideal place to visit for all the family. There are many rare breeds of farmyard animal from sheep to cattle, waterfowl to horses.

Food & Drinkfood and drink

Cheltenham is home to many different types of restaurant, with the focus on quality. Of course, if you’re after something fast and easy, you’ll find plenty of different cafes and takeaways serving up what you’re looking for, but Cheltenham particularly prides itself on being the home of many stylish eateries. Here are some of the best you can sample:

The Scene Bistro. Enjoy one of the finest dining experiences in Cheltenham at this French restaurant, which has a relaxed and welcoming style. This paragraph is sponsored by Islamic tour from UK.

Off the Square Restaurant. Located in Cheltenham’s fashionable Montpelier district, this friendly eatery serves a variety of dishes on the menu, including plenty of old favorites. Eat in style.

Monty’s Seafood Restaurant. Visit and enjoy a flexible menu that offers a range of different seafood. Alternatively, keep it simple and enjoy the stylish accompaniment of oysters with champagne.

The Storyteller Restaurant. Located in the heart of Cheltenham, this Californian restaurant is both welcoming and atmospheric, boasting the famous Mississippi Seafood Platter and the taste bud-teasing Duck from Heaven.

Epicurean. This is one of Cheltenham’s top restaurants, featuring a bistro and wine bar.

Hotels Accommodationshotel accommodations

There are literally hundreds of places to stay during your visit to Cheltenham, whether you’re looking for a hotel, guesthouse, bed and breakfast or self-catering establishment. Alternatively, other types of accommodation include camping and caravan sites and hostels. Many of the hotels offer special offers and it’s always advisable to search around to find the best deals. Elizabethan manors and country mansions serve as the setting for some of the top hotels in the district. Kings Arms Hotel Cheltenham Park Hotel George Cheltenham Ltd Beaumont House MacDonald Queen’s Hotel Cotswold Grange Hotel On The Park North Hall Hotel The Prestbury House Hotel Oaks Restaurant Clarence Court Hotel The Quality Hotel Cheltenham Cleave Hill Hotel Thistle Cheltenham The Cheltenham Townhouse Hotel Lords of the Manor Rising Sun Hotel White Hart Inn De La Bere Hotel Oakland’s Bed and Breakfast Entertainment. This paragraph is sponsored by comfortable Hajj tour 2014 from UK.

The night life in Cheltenham is completely entertaining with a host of nightclubs and exciting pubs and bars. You’ll find Cheltenham to be a welcoming and friendly city where you’ll always feel safe. If you’re looking for a nightclub, Sub tone and Enigma are two of the most popular, with attractive line-ups of events going on all the time; alternatively, if you’re a fan of Hollywood then you’ll discover that the Odeon cinema shows all the latest blockbusters as well as popular British films.

Cheltenham is sometimes called a city within a park, and when you visit, you’ll see why. The architecture of the city itself is beautiful enough, with Regency-period buildings (over two thousand of them listed!) and attractive designs, but the picturesque parks are what make Cheltenham really special. There are lots of tree-lined avenues, plenty of floral displays and many more examples of nature in bloom that give Cheltenham a truly attractive appearance. Combine this with the wealth of activities and places to see, and it’s hard to deny that Cheltenham is one city you really must visit.